Slovakia is a beautiful country indeed. There are also areas not overcrowded with tourists, e.g. like Tatras. Hence we decided to get known a forgotten area of Gemer with its splendid nature and lots of technical monuments in the countryside breathing with timeworn glory of past centuries.
Tunnel Dielik: we barely found one of its entrances near the main road from Muran to Tisovec. This side is flooded.
This tunnel is a part of so-called Gemer connections – unfinished railway that should connect the cut-off parts of Gemer after the First Vienna Arbitration. As a result of the Second World War II. these territories were assigned back to Slovakia, hence the purpose of these connections vanished.

Camping in Muran Plain and ready for the first bike trip.

Other technical monuments are in Zeleznik, former mining village where the iron was extracted.

Skittle alley for miners.

And cinema for miners.

From Zeleznik great downhill to the village Sirk where we found the old Romanian Church.

And Sirk’ s beautiful blast furnace.

To get back to our car we had to climb 10 km up with the dog in a trailer but the view was our reward. Low Tatras with the peak Kralova hola in the background.

2 days hiking in Muran Plain. Fabova hola – its highest peak.

View from Poludnica – the photo with the car was taken down on the meadow at right.

Chalet under the Muran Castle, isn’t she gorgeous?

And the Muran Castle with astonishing views into the valley.

Kopras tunnel and viaduct, both belonging to the unfinished rail system: the best option for cooling down in hot summer.

Night off by the lake in Dedinky.

Our neighbours from camp wanted to test 36 er.

The longest (almost 2,5 km) tunnel of Gemer connections is the one of Slavosovce. And it’s really dark and cold inside.

Biking in Slovak Karst is pretty exhausting in summer.

But once you climb on the top you can find an old cistern of Sereny.

Last but not least, Silica Ice Abyss.